Shutter Speed & Aperture, Assignment #5

Exploring Shutter Speed

Stop-Motion- Maximum Shutter Speed

The flag waving in the breeze
My friend smoking his pipe
Andrew in flight
A sink filling up with water - I tried to capture the bubbles as they formed and disappeared
A water fountain in the city

Showing Motion- Minimum Shutter Speed

When writing, I often tap my pen against the pages. It's sort of a nervous tick as well.
Andrew walking into the frame
Catching up on my reading before class...really quickly.

And for the rest of my "showing motion" segment, I attempted light painting at a very slow shutter speed, ranging from 10"-20". I used a tripod, and two flashlights - one regular, LED and another red laser type. 
A Mask Possessed - in the spirit of Halloween! 
A late night studying frenzy at 2am
The Moon Lady - I absolutely love this poster.
I tried to make her  'alive' by painting the light in a way as if it looked like it was stemming from her halo.

Aperture: Focus and Depth of Field

From a Shallow Depth of Field (Min. Aperture) to a Greater Depth of Field (Max. Aperture)

My first attempt with this scene, at minimum aperture.
My second attempt, at minimum aperture.
Despite my adjusting of the aperture (and not focus), i still was not able to get a clear background in the picture. Whether it was the subject matter, the dew, or the humidity, it did not come out with a maximum depth of field. Nonetheless, I liked the varying depth!


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